2016 Brisbane Small Bore rifle Club

Very interesting year with the Range being reconstructed for the 2018 Commonwealth Games.

We had to move to the pistol range which had its challengers but overall very good everyone that shoot had a good time. Even though our shooting was limited to every second Saturday. It was very different shooting on paper targets, having to change them after 20 shoots.  Getting back into the moment every time you came back to the firing line, sometimes no problems, other times not so good.  But everyone enjoyed them self.  Our members shoot away at different events during the year and achieved some very good results. The duo of Catherine and Quinn Rashford had a very good result at the Gympie State Titles. We Catherine finishing 2nd & 3rd in the D grade Prone and Quinn 4th & 5th in the B grade Prone. Quinn also finished 2nd in the Junior Competition.  Well done to both shooters.

AGM is being held on the 26th November and all are encouraged to attend.

During the reconstruction of the range the new entry is off Mt Petrie Road. As you turn into Mt Petrie Rd there is a yellow sign "QRA Entrance" just before a newly laid entrance road. This is the way in. Be careful the turn is nearly as you turn onto Mt Petrie road.

AGM was held on the 26th and a good attendance a couple of items come out of the meeting . 1. Our come and try days will start again in 2017 February.  Date to be determined.   2. embers decided that shooting would cease on the 17th December 2016 and re-commence on the 7th January 2017.

A reminder membership fees are due by 31st December 2016